
Friday, April 1, 2011

Just a little catch up

Okay, so I official FAIL at trying to keep up a blog. I believe this is my third attempt. Perhaps I'll have a little "third times the charm" luck. In the off chance that anyone actually reads this, I'm going to do a quick recap of my life since I last blogged. Nothing too monumental has occurred. Life in the Bronx (as me and my roommate like to call our less-than-average college apartments) is ever so busy. We only have four more weeks left of school, which means the professors have begun the annual "cram everything in" sessions. I know everyone just loves that. But today is anything but busy. In fact, I haven't got out of my pajamas yet. One of the perks of college life is that we have the privledge of only schedule classes 4days a week. For those of you judging me, I completely understand. But honestly, when else am I ever going to be able to get away with behaving this way? The answer is never, which is why I must take advantage of college life while I still can. If I was living in big kid world, this type of thing would be unacceptable.
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