
Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Blog

Okay, so even though I just started this blog business, I have already decided to switch websites. Why, you ask? Because with this website I can have a cute little background. Shallow reasoning, I know. But it makes me happy, nonetheless.:)

For January, it is unseasonably warm, which I couldn't be happier about. However, since I have lived in this state for my entire life, I know that the worst hasn't even started. I wish it would just come, so that spring can finally make it's appearance. And when it does snow, I better get a snow day out of it, that all I have to say.

Before this miserable season is over though, I have to endure one more thing: Valentines Day, aka the day that reminds me I'm single. Awesome. But I do really want to see that movie. It looks so cute. Plus, it has two of my favorite people in it: Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift. Adorable, I wish they we still together. Anyways, who wants to see it with me?!

So I'm watching the SAG Award show right now and I definitely have a crush on Cory Monteith from Glee (aka my FAVORITE show). Not to mention the two other male leads, Mark Salling and Matthew Morrison are very good looking as well.;)

Um, hiiii.:)

PS. Glee just won a SAG award. Yay.

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