
Friday, August 6, 2010


Okay so I was planning on writing an actually thoughtful post, but I just saw Inception and was totally blown away by it's awesomeness. So therefore, it has me much too distracted to form other thoughts.

First of all this movie is one of those wonderfully complicated films that makes the viewer feel like they are constantly 10 steps behind. Once the viewer thinks he or she has it figured out, they will quickly realize that they don't. It's the type of movie that you can't just watch-- the wheels in your head are always turning. And when the movies over, you don't even know what to do with yourself. Not only does it leave you captivated the entire time, it also leads to great disscussion afterward. This is the type of movie a philospher could spend hours debating.

Seriously, I don't even know how the director and writers did this. Between the several elaborate storylines, and the crazy detail, I can't even to begin to imagine how he wrote this, let alone brought it to life on screen!

Long story short::GO SEE IT!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lets try this again

Okay, so I know I went MIA from blogging for awhile, but I don't think this blog is in big demand. Nevertheless, I love blogging so here I go.

Since April (wow, it has been a while) a lot has happened. I made it through the dreaded finals week, and finally reached the wonderful season of summer. My summer consist of reruns of Boy Meets World (no complaints there) and soaking up the sun (when the weather allows). Other than that I have been a bum all summer, which will leave me feeling restored and fresh for the fall. I must say I have enjoyed my lazy summer, because soon I will be out of college and into the real world. In the real world work never ends, so I figure I should take advantage of my college student status while I still can.
However, as you can guess, I can only take this pattern for so long. Which, roughly translated means: I AM SO BORED AT HOME. I MUST GET BACK TO KENT...NOW. Luckily, I will be moving into my new home there soon.

But why is it that I am never content with where I am?! Because I know after the first rounds of midterms I will be aching to do nothing. I guess I am only human.

I'm going to cut this short now, as it 1:49 AM, and my eyelids can barley stay open.
Until next time!
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