
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Random thoughts and thought out changes.

So yesterday, in my boredom before bed, I was contemplating whether I wanted to write a new post. Then I remembered that this is not the first blog that I've had. I used to have a xanga blog. So with this little revelation, I took a little trip down memory lane. It's so funny to re-live the daily drama of my 15- and 16-year-old life. I was struck by two things: how much I have changed, and how I am still very much the same. Sure, I've grown to mature, and obviously each of these experiences has shaped me into the person I am, but I think the essence of me has remained the same. I guess that's a comforting fact.

Anyways, another week has ended, thank God! And now that I dropped my Friday class, I'm home free for a month. I did, however, pick up a new class. It's an easy A elective. I just go see museums for two Saturdays in March, two in April, and one in May. I'll take that.

I also have decided that next fall I will be changing my major. I will officially be an English major, with a minor in writing. And let me tell you, I am beyond pumped. An English major just has so much more freedom, I can actually write and be elaborate. Don't get me wrong, journalism is a cool profession, I just don't enjoy the journalism style of writing: to cut-and-dry for my taste. I like to put my own spin on things. Now I can become a writer, or work for a publishing company. I honestly cannot wait to start these new classes. Then I will move to North Carolina and live in a quaint little house. A least that's my aspiration. It would be nice to have a man as well, but if things continue as they are, I don't see how. Kent men, in general, are a tad shallow. Okay, not all of them...but I haven't actually witnessed that yet. I guess a quote could sum this up:

"Though we adore men individually,we agree that as a group they're rather stupid."-Mary Poppins

Can I get an Amen?!
But maybe someday I'll find that guy? Maybe...

Okay, moving on. Tomorrow my DZ sisters and I are going to see Dear John, and I cannot wait. It is just what I need. It will be fabulous. And I think I'll need some tissues.

Okay. Enough for now.
Ciao, ciao!<3

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