
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Here's the story of a stressed college student...


Okay, so is it Thursday yet?! No, I couldn't be that lucky. So I seriously hate this week already. Two of my worst classes have a test in the same day, one directly following the other. Ughhh, I am going to be miserable. I hate, hate, hate getting bad grades, but I seriously just spent 2 hours working on part 1 of my history test, and I have no clue whatsoever what to do. And the thing is, I normally LOVE history. And it's not that the teacher is bad, she just teaches a way that I don't learn well from. So I am basically screwed. Plus, she's super particular about the format of our answers, which I always tend to screw up. And I'm just so stressed because I have two other tests this week: science, which I do HATE (same day as history), and Poli Sci--which I will deal with later on this week. I just feel so overwhelmed. Ugh. I don't mean to complain, I know this is the life of a college student. But sometimes you just need an outlet for your frustrations, right? And okay, a lot of students have to worse than me. I know. But I get stressed overwhelmed so easily. I am trying to relax, I know it's not the end of the world--but it just doesn't work for me. I feel like I'm just not doing enough, Ugh, I am just freaking out. I am trying to fall asleep so I can spend my morning studying, but I am too wound up. So I'm sitting in the dark, spilling my guts out on the computer. And you know what else is weird?! I think I was more relaxed on finals week, when I had more things to do. It's probably because these are the first two tests and I don't know what to expect. But I know my history teacher grades so hard. Which, of course, she is entitled to, but it's not good for me.

I do not just want spring, I NEED it. I need the warmth and sunlight. Seriously, I am really starting to get depressed. Which, sunlight helps diffuse. Just my luck that I live in Ohio...which had 3 cities on the most miserable in the US. Yeah, I know. Cities like this are only appealing if Edward or Jacob lived here. :) ...Okay, sorry..I had to say that. I'm obsessed.

Moral of the story: College gives me anxiety, and I need sunlight. Also, I need to move.
The end.

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