
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Just call me Corey Matthews.

Okay so if you didn't know, I love,love,love Boy Meets World. I have probably seen the entire series over 5 times.

There is a Boy Meets World episode where Corey wishes Mr. Feeney would get sick so that he and Shawn didn't have to take a geography test. To Corey's surprise Mr. Feeney ends up in the hospital, leaving him feeling responsible.

How does this relate to me?
Well yesterday I was studying away for my Seven Ideas test until late. While studying, I sat in vain hoping that something would come up for my Psychology class to be cancelled so that I could sleep in and get some extra studying done. Obvisously I knew that this would not happen. I woke up tempted to skip class, but ultimately decided against it. And what do ya know? Class was cancelled.

At first I was mad. Because seriously- I was already there! I was already up! But then I thought about it and began to feel guilty. I should never wish anything upon someone for my gain. And I definitely don't want it to be because something bad happened to her! I mean seriously, I am not that way at all. Who in all seriousness hopes for something bad to happen. I just was hoping for something minor to happen, not anything bad or negative. I hope she is doing just fine and is feeling fabulous. Maybe she just got a flat tire, or her neice or nephew was sick, and she had to babysit? That's is what I really wish for her.

Sooo moral of the episode is that Corey did nto make Mr. Feeney sick, and that he just was feeling guilty. And I'm guessing that's my problem too.

Be careful what you wish for, kiddies.
Oh and here's to the return of my psych teacher!:)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Relaxation and tea.

Happy Thursday.:)
So yes, it is indeed Thursday, the day most college students start their weekend celebrations. And despite the fact that I do not have a Friday class, here I am: lounging in my chair, feet sprawled out, typing on my laptop, drinking some fabulous vanilla-almond tea. And no, I'm not sad about it. It is the perfect way to unwind from the wear and tear of the week. Not that this week was bad, just busy. In fact, I was in a wonderful mood all week. How could I not be, with a full week (THAT'S RIGHT, A WHOLE WEEK! FROM LAST THURSDAY-TIL TODAY) of gorgeous, beautiful, inviting sunlight. It's beginning to feel a lot like spring time, and let me tell you, I cannot be more excited. I haven't had to wear a coat all week. That in itself is a major feat. And the long-awaited Lip Sync is Saturday. I am so pumped. I love DZ so much.<3
But anyways, back to the subject at hand. This relaxing night is just what I need, and it will help me in the next two weeks, because I don't know if I'll be getting any down time. I have tests, speeches, museum visits on the weekend for a class, etc. So yes, I will be one busy little girl. But it will be worth it when spring break rolls around. It cannot come soon enough!
But all this sun makes me think of summer, and summer makes me think of the beach.
I just want to move to North Carolina, and live in my quaint little house. I want to wake up in the morning, and be able to drink my coffee on the back porch, no matter what season it is. I want to feel the sand beneath my toes. I want to write. I can't wait for that life. This monotonous life is really getting to me.

I just need to close my eyes, and visualize the beach. It's the only thing I have.
Maybe I should just hang this picture all over my room to inspire me.

Buona Sera!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Sunshine, countdowns, and ramblings.

Hi, hi, hi!

Okay so, March 5th--thank God. That means it's almost spring.:) Hopefully all this snow business is donzooo. It's actually been really nice for the past 2 days: Sunny, and high 30s. I even went outside in just a sweatshirt. It was glorious. :) Ugh, but how sad is it that it feels so warm to us?! Ohhh the life of an Ohioan.

But seriously, I have so many things going on this semester. It's kind of a love-hate thing. But I have a lot of things to look forward to, so hopefully it will make these next 2 months fly by in time for summer.

1. Lip Sync, March 13th- Getting classy and fabulous with my fabulous Delta Zeta sisters, while raising money for a good cause. What could be better?!
2. Spring Break, March 28th-April 4th- Do I need to explain why I'm excited for this? It's spring break aka no school for a week.
3. March 20th- NEW MOON out on DVD. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.<3
4. March 21st- FIRST DAY OF SPRING. Alleluia. I love spring.
5. March 31- Release of The Last Song. I am beyond thrilled to see this movie. Been waiting for it since I read the book! I'm going to need a box of tissues. I know I am a nerd.
6. April 25- State Day at OU! I get to spend an ENTIRE day with DZs all over Ohio at the place where I originally became a Delta Zeta.
Then only two more weeks in May, then SUMMER,SUMMER,SUMMER TIMEEE!

Can not wait.

That is all for now.
Ciao ciao.
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