
Friday, April 2, 2010

I don't want to go back to school, but I can't stay here either!

Ciao. Happy spring break everyone.:)

I've spent mine doing exactly what I love: relaxing. I think it's just what I needed. I no longer have back pain when I wake up/ get up from sitting/walk, which is a good sign--since I tend to carry stress in my back. Also, I got to catch up with friends, which is fabulous.

Currently, however, I am BORED OUT OF MY MIND! And okay, I definitely do not feel like going back to school: waking up,going to class,homework--the whole sha bang. But it's better than being here doing nothing. I make no sense, I know.

I also really NEED to see The Last Song. I have to. Since I haven't seen it yet, I'm stalking the soundtrack list. Some of the songs are pretty good, if I do say so myself. I can't wait to see it. AHHHH.:)

Right now, my dilemma is what movie to watch. It's a toss up between Sherlock Holmes, The Blind Side, Post Grad or Love Happens. Tough choice, right? I would throw New Moon in there, but I've already watched it twice this week. I'm sick, I know.:)

Speaking of Twilight, my sister yelled at me for re-reading the Twilight series so many times. And okay, I can't even count how many times I've read them. And I would agree with her, if it wasn't for the fact that I always read a few books in between before I begin reading them again. They are just my fall back book, when I can't find any other book that sparks my interest. Plus I just love them. They are my favorite. And yes, I know it's fiction, okay?! Okay.:)

Moving on.

I haven't written any good blogs lately. What is wrong with me? I wish I had more to say than these stupid little rants, because they are not interesting or thought provoking. They are nonsense. I guess better luck next blog? Sounds like a plan.

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